SIBM Nagpur

Dr. Pulkit Marwah

Assistant Professor

MBA, Ph.D, Postdoc

Research Interests & Expertise

Agribusiness, Product Development, Consumer Behaviour and Insights, Market Research, Strategy

Research Profiles


Investigating producers’ preferences for crapemyrtle and their perceptions regarding crapemyrtle bark scale
  • Author/s: Pulkit Marwah, Yu Yvette Zhang, Mengmeng Gu

  • Journal: Horticulturae

  • Publication date: 2021/6/10

  • Publisher: MDPI

  • URL:

  • Abstract: Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.) is the most popular summer flowering tree in the U.S. Its total value sold has almost doubled since 1998. Consumers prize crapemyrtles for their beauty and being relatively pest free. However, current crapemyrtle production and use might be affected by crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS; Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae), which has been confirmed in at least 14 U.S. states after its first sighting in Texas in 2004. In this study, we conducted interviews of business representatives. Our survey results indicate that producers anticipate a significant decrease in the value of crapemyrtle if infested with CMBS, and suggest industry demand for CMBS control. An important finding of our research is that a majority of businesses support science-based CMBS control research. Another important finding from our study is that most producers believed that benefits of CMBS control outweigh the costs. We used a relative importance index to illustrate the ranking of different attributes of crapemyrtles that producers consider while making decisions about growing/purchasing the plants. Flower color was found to be the most important attribute, followed by disease resistance. The most popular landscape plants that can potentially serve as alternatives to crapemyrtle, in the opinion of producers we surveyed, are Vitex agnus-castus (Texas lilac), Magnolia spp., and Hibiscus spp.

Impacts of COVID-19 on the Green Industry
  • Author/s: Pulkit Marwah, Yu Yvette Zhang, Mengmeng Gu

  • Journal: Horticulturae

  • Publication date: 2021/6/10

  • Publisher: MDPI

  • URL:

  • Abstract: Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.) is the most popular summer flowering tree in the U.S. Its total value sold has almost doubled since 1998. Consumers prize crapemyrtles for their beauty and being relatively pest free. However, current crapemyrtle production and use might be affected by crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS; Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae), which has been confirmed in at least 14 U.S. states after its first sighting in Texas in 2004. In this study, we conducted interviews of business representatives. Our survey results indicate that producers anticipate a significant decrease in the value of crapemyrtle if infested with CMBS, and suggest industry demand for CMBS control. An important finding of our research is that a majority of businesses support science-based CMBS control research. Another important finding from our study is that most producers believed that benefits of CMBS control outweigh the costs. We used a relative importance index to illustrate the ranking of different attributes of crapemyrtles that producers consider while making decisions about growing/purchasing the plants. Flower color was found to be the most important attribute, followed by disease resistance. The most popular landscape plants that can potentially serve as alternatives to crapemyrtle, in the opinion of producers we surveyed, are Vitex agnus-castus (Texas lilac), Magnolia spp., and Hibiscus spp.

Impacts of Crapemyrtle Bark Scale on Consumers and the Horticulture Industry
  • Author/s: Pulkit Marwah, Yu Yvette Zhang, Mengmeng Gu

  • Journal: Horticulturae

  • Publication date: 2021/6/10

  • Publisher: MDPI

  • URL:

  • Abstract: Crapemyrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.) is the most popular summer flowering tree in the U.S. Its total value sold has almost doubled since 1998. Consumers prize crapemyrtles for their beauty and being relatively pest free. However, current crapemyrtle production and use might be affected by crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS; Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae), which has been confirmed in at least 14 U.S. states after its first sighting in Texas in 2004. In this study, we conducted interviews of business representatives. Our survey results indicate that producers anticipate a significant decrease in the value of crapemyrtle if infested with CMBS, and suggest industry demand for CMBS control. An important finding of our research is that a majority of businesses support science-based CMBS control research. Another important finding from our study is that most producers believed that benefits of CMBS control outweigh the costs. We used a relative importance index to illustrate the ranking of different attributes of crapemyrtles that producers consider while making decisions about growing/purchasing the plants. Flower color was found to be the most important attribute, followed by disease resistance. The most popular landscape plants that can potentially serve as alternatives to crapemyrtle, in the opinion of producers we surveyed, are Vitex agnus-castus (Texas lilac), Magnolia spp., and Hibiscus spp.


Pedagogical innovations in management education in the 21ST century: A review and research agenda
Authors : Sonal Purohit, Ashutosh Dutt
Publication date : 2024/7/1
Source :The International Journal of Management Education
Volume :22
Issue :2
Pages :100976
Publisher :Elsevier
Description :The importance of pedagogical innovations in management education for improved learning outcomes has been emphasized by scholars. However, the literature on these innovations has not been systematically synthesized. In this article, we use the 6w framework to provide a review of pedagogy innovations for learning in management education for the 21st century. We orchestrate the prior studies, argue for theoretically informed approaches to evaluate the various dimensions, present the gaps, and provide new measures that would guide advancement and research in this niche area. An integrated pedagogy innovation model framework is proposed from the evaluation of studies that could be used as a baseline for future research. We utilize the theory, context, characteristics, and methodology (TCCM) framework to expand on the research gaps to propose ideas for future research.
Scholar articles :Pedagogical innovations in management education in the 21ST century: A review and research agenda
S Purohit, A Dutt – The International Journal of Management Education, 2024 Related articles
From fear to faith in the adoption of medicine delivery application: An integration of SOR framework and IRT theory

Authors: Debarun Chakraborty,Hari Babu Singu, Arpan Kumar Kar,Wendrila Biswas.

Journal: Journal of Business Research
Publication date: 05 Aug 2023
Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.
URL: Access Paper


The current study tries to better understand the different consumer barriers towards adoption of MDAs and their psychological and behavioral responses through the lens of innovation resistance and S-O-R.



Authors: Hari Babu Singu,

Publication date:  July-December 2022
URL: Access Paper


The study explores the determinants, that influence the willingness to pay for customized health insurance package, in the context of a developing country. The targeted respondents were drawn from both urban and rural areas of Amritsar, Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ludhiana, Mohali, and Patiala Districts of Punjab State, India. A pre-tested questionnaire was administered to 1254 low-income households, selected by stratified random sampling technique. The contingent valuation method was applied to elicit willingness to pay (WTP), using the reverse bidding format. Descriptive statistics for demographic details of the respondents and multiple regression method (backward), was used to explore the influence of socio-economic determinants on willingness to pay. Overall, the average willingness to pay for a customized package was Rs 888.56 per year ($50. 11). The regression results revealed that higher the education profile, higher the willingness to pay and more the number of dependents and sick members in the family, higher the willingness to pay.

I have the bank in my pocket: Theoretical evidence and perspectives

Authors: Debarun Chakraborty,Hari Babu Singu.

Publication date: 01 Aug 2022
Publisher: WILEY
URL: Access Paper


Mobile payment services are the most growing business in recent days and it is the most cost-effective tool as well. This study aimed to explore the factors affecting the adoption of m-payment services in emerging economies, which was attained by implementing the descriptive research design. Accordingly, the collection of 440 responses was carried out via the e-mail method, wherein the respondents were selected by using the convenience sampling method. To this end, the research adapted the dimensions of UTAUT, ISS model, trust, and perceived security to examine one’s adoption behavior toward mobile banking services. It was thus found that system quality yielded the strongest and significant influence on the intention to adopt, whereby the latter element served as a mediator and fully mediated the relationships between effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, and intention to recommend. Henceforth, the findings obtained in this study would aid industry practitioners in exploring pertinent strategies toward encouraging the adoption of mobile banking services not only among individuals but also for microentrepreneurs and SMEs. This is further achieved via the combination of the dimensions included in the UTAUT and ISS models along with the elements of trust and perceived security, thereby offering tremendous value addition to the existing literature. This particular study will further make several contribution toward mobile banking and mobile payment services related literature.

Fitness Apps's purchase behaviour: Amalgamation of Stimulus-Organism-Behaviour-Consequence framework (S-O-B-C) and the innovation resistance theory (IRT)

Authors: Debarun Chakraborty,Hari Babu Singu, Smruti Patre

Publication date: 05 July 2022
URL: Access Paper


With the rise in popularity and use of fitness apps, more research is needed to learn more about how people use the apps so that they keep using them. Stimulus-Organism-Behaviour-Consequence framework (S-O-B-C) and the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) together in this study to learn more about how people make decisions about how to use apps for fitness. Eight hundred and fifty-eight users of various fitness apps have responded to the questionnaire. Results show that people who are open to changing their fitness systems from traditional to app-based services enjoy new experiences and new product behaviours. For them, the perceived functional barriers to service adoption don’t hold them back. At the same time the users of fitness apps try to get health and fitness information from as many sources as possible, like friends, peer groups, the newspaper and social networking apps. Users with a high level of health consciousness are more likely to be active in their health and fitness. People who use apps make decisions based on new information from the integrated model. App providers should think about how to get and keep users interested in their apps, personalize their experience, and design features that make users invested in the apps.