Human Resource Management and Organizational Behaviour, Dark side of Leadership,Job Attitudes,Conflict,Leadership
Authors: Pahari, S., Polisetty, A., Sharma, S., Jha, R., Chakraborty, D
Journal: Indian Journal of Marketing
Publication date: 2023
Publisher: Associated Management Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
URL: Access Paper
The Indian banking sector has been at the forefront of accepting innovative technologies and has been changing over time. Indian banks are utilizing AI-powered technologies to automate labor-intensive operations, reduce operational costs, and increase revenue growth potential. Already, machines handle a large portion of mundane tasks. In order to increase security and transparency in payment fraud detection and prevention systems, financial institutions are also utilizing artificial intelligence (AI). But in recent days, Indian banks are facing huge issues with regard to AI adoption and implementation, which needs further investigation. The present work is a case study considering two leading private banks in India. The study revealed the critical driving force of AI maturity and the key concern areas that need to be adequately addressed to ensure long-term success regarding AI adoption in the Indian banking sector.
Authors: Aruna Polisetty, Sowmya G., Bindu Madhavi, Rimjhim Jha
Journal: Environment and Ecology Research
Publication date: 23 January 2023
Publisher: Horizon Research Publishing
URL: Access Paper
This study develops hypothesised model that examines how strategically and successfully individual consumers establish and practice a concrete sustainable approach to achieve sustainable development. This empirical paper connects four distinct environmental dimensions of consumption patterns to encourage the integration of sustainability-related issues. The dimensions considered in the study are environmental concerns, perceived behavioral control, perceived consumer effectiveness, and environmental knowledge. Ten propositions related to these dimensions have been developed to craft ecological sustainability by exploring green purchase intention, and the data were collected from 356 respondents. This study contributes to existing research, reveals the relationship between sustainable environment development of organizations, and provides a plan for future comparative, longitudinal, mixed approach research. The study is circumscribed to the consumers’ initiatives in promoting ecological sustainability through practicing green purchase intentions. More studies that foster and hinder consumers’ contribution to environmental sustainability should be explored. Green purchase intentions act as a bridge between consumers and ecological sustainability. The usage and purchase of eco-friendly products are milestones in achieving ecological sustainability. The eco-friendly behaviour of consumers drives a sense of hedonic motivation, which sustains their green purchase intentions.
Authors: Mansi Tiwari, Rimjhim Jha
Journal: International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Publication date: 18 January 2022
Publisher: Emerald Group Holdings Ltd.
URL: Access Paper
Purpose: In a nutshell, the purpose of this paper is to accentuate the mask of evils of the organization by discussing different experiences, stories and cases, which is on itself a bizarre because we always talk about the morality and ethos in leading styles. Design/methodology/approach: The study is conducted in India and descriptive in nature. The structural equation modelling technique is used in the paper to test the relationships among the constructs directly and indirectly by mediation effect on how it raises the organizational deviance. Findings: The outcome of the study indicates that organizational deviance is highly influenced by narcissism, which also raises the toxic work culture and abusive supervision. The mentioned variables not only have a significant effect but also have a partial mediation effect on organizational deviance. The study significantly contributes to the literature with the findings that not only narcissism led to organizational deviance but additionally leads to high arousal through a positive relationship with toxic work culture and abusive supervision strongly leading to organizational deviance. Research limitations/implications: The study is for leaders who are more with self-love, demolishing peace and promoting the toxic work culture and deviant behaviours. Practical implications: Having narcissistic traits then turns into a complicated situation for employees to decide whether to stay in the organization or leave, and if these intentions are not developing, then it led to deviance on the part of employees. Social implications: A leader becomes so much obsessed with their egomania and uses the abusive supervision to dominate the team members. This pattern has to stop, as it fabricating the wrong connotation of the tranquillity of followers or team members. Originality/value: This study contributes to the outcome where leaders could understand the impact of how their excess self-love turns against the workplace peace and results in high deviance. © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited.
Authors: Rimjhim Jha, Devendra Kumar Pandey, Dr. Anil Singh Parihar
Journal: Academy of Strategic Management Journal
Publication date: 01 August 2020
Publisher: Allied Business Academies
URL: Access Paper
Introduction: The healthcare industry in India is growing at very fast rate. Increased income level, changed lifestyle, increased growing rate of population is few major reasons for this. Organization, especially hospitals is facing competitive challenges to achieve the organizational goal. In this study, HRM Practices and Job satisfaction level in various Private and public hospitals were studied Objective: This research is conducted to study the Training & development related practices and the level of job satisfaction of nurses in private and public sector hospitals of Gwalior and Chambal Region. The study also aims to analyse the impact of training & development on Job satisfaction in private and public sector hospitals of Gwalior and Chambal region. Originality: Very few studies are conducted to analyse the impact of Training and development on Job satisfaction of nurses in Gwalior & Chambal region. Material and Method: The research is based on primary data. Data is collected through self structured questionnaire. The study was conducted on 263 Nurses (171 from private hospitals, 92 from public hospitals) from various private and public hospitals of Gwalior and Chambal Region. Results and discussion: Training & Development programs gives positive and high impact on Job satisfaction in both Private and Public sector hospitals. Applications: The study will be helpful for HR Managers and policy makers in hospitals and other organizations. It will increase the overall satisfaction of the employees of hospital industry. This eventually will be helpful to the end users in the society as a whole. Conclusion: If training needs are identified and fulfilled properly and regularly the employees learn new things to develop their skills that will enhance their job satisfaction. It is concluded that a well planned and well designed training program gives a satisfied and motivated workforce.