SIBM Nagpur

Associate Professor

PhD in Management, MBA (Finance), B. Sc.

Research Interests & Expertise

Banking and Finance, Technology and Finance.



Debt Financing and Firm's Performance: Panel Data Analysis

Authors: Parkhi, Shilpa. Singh, Saumya. Pushp, Aman. Rastogi, Shailesh. Gautam, Rahul Singh 

Journal: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Publication date: 03 Aug 2023

Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery

URL: Access Paper


The purpose of this article is to examine how financial leverage affects financial performance and the moderating role of efficiency in the relationship. This study uses data from 76 firms listed on the bombay stock exchange during the period from 2011 to 2020, resulting in 760 firm-year observations. A quantile regression panel data model is used to investigate the hypotheses of this study. The results reveal that financial leverage has a negative and significant effect on financial performance. Furthermore, the findings indicate that firm’s performance improves with an increase in efficiency and leverage. Moderate evidence that an increase in efficiency exacerbates the negative association between leverage and performance. The results of this study have important implications for firms in emerging markets. Managers can enhance firm performance by reducing the level of financial leverage, especially in firms with low technical efficiency. These firms incur higher overheads, and then they can benefit more from the decreases in debt ratio in their capital structure. To the author’s knowledge, this research is the first to examine the effect of technical efficiency on the financial leverage-financial performance relationship and is one of few that investigate the role of efficiency in determining the linkage between leverage and firm performance. © 2023 ACM.

Impact of Financial Inclusion on India’s Economic Development under the Moderating Effect of Internet Subscribers.

Authors: Rastogi, Shailesh. Pushp, Aman. Gautam, Rahul Singh. Kanoujiya, Jagjeevan. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Parashar, Neha. 

Journal: Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Publication date: 01 May2023
Publisher: MDPI
URL: Access Paper


Financial inclusion is an emerging economic growth paradigm, especially in developing economies like India. It is an essential barometer for the all-encompassing growth of a country and its economy. However, there is still a debate regarding the effect of Financial Inclusion (FI) on achieving sustainable development. This study aims to determine if FI helps achieve Sustainable Development Growth (SDG) in India and if internet subscribers significantly influence the connection between FI and SDG. Secondary data from 16 states and one UT in India have been collected for 2017–2019. Therefore, the sample data is recent and covers a large country span. The data source is NITI Aayog and PMFBY (“Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana”) reports. The findings of this research are that FI has a positively significant relationship with sustainable development goals (SDG) in India. However, when the internet subscribers are high, the FI’s positive association with SDG gets reduced. PMFBY and SDG have been used for the first time, along with internet subscribers as moderators. The outcome has direct policy implications for improving the nation’s financial inclusion and economic growth. © 2023 by the authors.

Corporate Social Responsibility Funding and Its Impact on India’s Sustainable Development: Using the Poverty Score as a Moderator

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Rastogi, Shailesh. Kappal, Jyoti Mehndiratta. Patole, Hitesh. Pushp, Aman.

Journal: Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Publication date: 01 Feb 2023
Publisher: MDPI
URL: Access Paper


This study investigates the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) funding in the education sector and the environment and how it affects India’s sustainable development. This study was conducted using secondary data and the data were collected from 28 Indian states and three union territories for the four fiscal years 2018 to 2021. This study examines the hypothesis using the generalized method of moments (GMM). As a result, it is found that overall CSR funding positively contributes to India’s sustainable development. Additionally, this study finds that CSR funding in education and the environment supports India’s sustainable development. It is also observed that, under the interaction effect of poverty (poverty score), CSR funding (total) and CSR funding on education positively affect sustainable growth. However, CSR funding for environmental activities does not significantly influence India’s FD under the moderation of poverty score. These factors are essential for India’s sustainable development and poverty reduction. Investing CSR funds in rural development, education, the environment, health, and other areas supporting India’s sustainable development leads to impressive economic growth and reduces poverty. Hence, it is attributed that CSR funding plays a vital role in India’s sustainable development. Future research can be carried out on CSR policies and funding using different variables and periods. © 2023 by the authors.

Impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance Activities on the Financial Performance of Indian Health Care Sector Firms: Using Competition as a Moderator

Authors: Agarwal, Bhakti. Gautam, Rahul Singh. Jain, Pooja. Rastogi, Shailesh. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Singh, Saumya

Journal: Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Publication date: 01 Feb 2023
Publisher: MDPI
URL: Access Paper


Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities have become essential and viable activities of corporations because of the increase in concern for environmental, social, and governance issues. The motive of this research is to measure the effect of ESG on the financial performance (FP) of healthcare corporations using the market-to-book value (MTB) ratio as a proxy of FP. A sample of 33 pharma companies in India from 2011 to 2020 has been considered. The study relies on the panel data method to assess the association between ESG and FP. The potential moderating role of competition has also been studied to simplify their relationship in this framework. The finding of this study is that there is a significant negative association between ESG and FP, and it is also found that when competition is used as a moderator, it results in a significantly positive impact on the ESG and FP of healthcare companies. This study increases the understanding of the association between ESG and FP and helps corporations to formulate corporate strategies and stakeholders to make investment decisions. The originality of this study is that it addresses the impact of competition on ESG and FP of the healthcare industry and will become foundational literature for future studies. © 2023 by the authors


Financial Technology and Its Impact on Digital Literacy in India: Using Poverty as a Moderating Variable

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Rastogi, Shailesh. Rawal, Aashi. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Kanoujiya, Jagjeevan. Rastogi, Samaksh.

Journal: Journal of Risk and Financial Management

Publication date:01 July 2022

Publisher: MDPI

URL: Access Paper


Financial technology is a powerful tool in financial infrastructure, used to strengthen and smooth the delivery of financial services into the broader space. Financial technology involves software, applications, and other technologies designed to improve and automate traditional forms of financial services for businesses established in different areas. The authors aimed to explore the impact of financial technology on the digital literacy rate in India, by utilizing the poverty score as a moderating variable. The panel data analysis (PDA) has been employed in the current study. Data from 29 states and two union territories (UTs) of India were considered for three financial years, i.e., 2017–2018 to 2019–2020. The study’s findings reveal that Kisan Credit Cards (KCCs), both in terms of numbers and amount, are positively associated with the literacy rate. However, ATMs are negatively significant in association with literacy rate. Furthermore, the study’s empirical results show that KCCs and ATMs positively impact literacy when interacting with poverty scores. The study’s findings bring noteworthy implications for the government and other officials to understand the situation at the ground level of Indian states and UTs while forming new rules and policies for society’s betterment, particularly in finance and digital literacy. Additionally, the findings imply that ordinary people living in urban and rural areas of India should take advantage of financial technology and get motivated towards digital literacy. © 2022 by the authors

Impact of Transparency and Disclosure on Financial Distress: Considering Inventory as Moderator.

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Kanoujiya, Jagjeevan. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Rastogi, Shailesh

Journal: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Smart Healthcare and Emerging Technologies, SmartBlock4Health 2022

Publication date: 24 Oct 2023
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


The firm’s financial distress is an unwanted situation that needs to be overcome timely, otherwise, it leads to business failure. This study examines the influence of transparency and disclosure (TD) on financial distress (FD) using inventory as a moderator. This study used secondary data from CMIE Prowess database for the five years from 2016 to 2020 of BSE100 listed firms. This study has used the panel data analysis (PDA) method for data analysis. The result of this study states that transparency and disclosure (TD) have a negative significance on financial distress under the influence of inventory in health firms in India. The findings provide key implications for managers, and policymakers to entertain the inventory and T andD on a serious node to improve the firm’s FD in the health industry. Investors should also consider inventory and T andD as important segments for the firm’s FD to have informed decisions. This study contributes substantially to the existing literature to provide insights on T andD, inventory, and firm FD. There exists no such study, hence it provides novel evidence on the association of TandD with firm’s FD of Indian health firms considering inventory as moderator. © 2022 IEEE.

Financial Inclusion and Their Impact on India's Sustainable Development: Using Internet Subscribers as Moderator.

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Rawal, Aashi. Rastogi, Shailesh. 

Journal: 2022 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference, IHTC 2022
Publication date: 02 Dec 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


This study intends to examine how financial inclusion affects India’s sustainable development. This analysis includes secondary data collected from 17 Indian states over three fiscal years, from 2018 to 2020. We employ panel data economics (PDE) to test the study’s hypothesis. The findings indicate that India’s sustainable development is negatively impacted by financial inclusion. These findings suggest that the government should enhance its MGNREGA program and educate the populace on its digital platforms and offerings. Given that it promotes financial inclusion, economic progress, and poverty reduction, the government should enhance its digital infrastructure in rural regions so that people there may better comprehend and utilize it. © 2022 IEEE

Volatility Integration of Gold and Copper with Foreign Exchange Rates

Authors: Kalra, Anmol. Saxena, Abhishek Kumar. Rastogi, Shailesh. Kanoujiya, Jagjeevan. Gautam, Rahul Singh. 

Journal: 2022 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference, IHTC 2022
Publication date: 02 Dec 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

URL: Access Paper


Copper and Gold today are some of the key metals in the metals and mining space especially due to the external events happening such as Covid-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war. Also, the rupee-dollar exchange rate is highly volatile currently. The study’s goal is to determine how copper and crude oil’s shock volatility and price volatility affect the exchange rates between the rupee and the dollar. The study tries to find the correlation and mutual association between the metals (copper prices and gold prices) and foreign exchange rate. In order to establish such a relationship, bi-variate GARCH models (VEC GARCH and BEKK GARCH) are applied to sample data of the copper price, gold price, and foreign exchange rate (rupee-dollar) taken from the period 2005 to 2020 to determine a mutual correlation and volatility spillover effect in the metals and forex markets. © 2022 IEEE

Economic Growth Opportunities with Promotion of Financial Inclusion in Digital India.

Authors: Gupta, Aniket. Rastogi, Shailesh. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Singh Gautam, Rahul. 

Journal: 2022 IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference, IHTC 2022
Publication date: 02 Dec 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


This paper examines the areas where corporations in India can enter into, allowing them to leverage government initiatives like Jan Dhan-Aadhar and Mobile infrastructure (JAM) and Digital India in the coming years, for developing cost-effective and affordable products and services while enhancing their financial and digital capabilities in new avenues. With the launch of Jan Dhan-Aadhar and Mobile (JAM) infrastructure in 2015 by the Government of India, it became a watershed moment in the country’s economic history in promoting financial inclusion for the first time at a massive scale. With 250+ million bank accounts been opened, the government has been successful in laying ‘1 Billion-1 Billion-1 Billion vision’ for the country in terms of the bank accounts, Aadhar cards and mobile network coverage to bring India into financial and digital mainstream. The government along with the financial markets regulator and the central bank has also laid out its vision in granting universal access to financial services to all the citizens of the country. © 2022 IEEE

Volatility of Crude Oil Prices before and after the Great Financial Crisis of 2008

Authors: Saxena, Abhishek Kumar. Kalra, Anmol. Gautam, Rahul Singh. Rastogi, Shailesh. 

Journal: 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance, SIBF 2022.
Publication date: 12 Oct 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


This study is conducted to understand consumers’ preferences with different demographic variables on their car purchase decision based on features the car offers and the cost consciousness variables considered mainly by consumers, as suggested by previous studies on this topic. The judgmental survey method was used for this research using a structured & non-disguised questionnaire to collect the responses. The pilot survey was used to understand the instrument’s reliability and validity total of 200 respondents were contacted, but 143 responses were received. The response rate was almost 72% of the reached respondents. But, only 103 usable responses were considered for analysis as there were 40 responses found not to be a worthwhile while. 13 were inconsistent with their answers, 22 had missing values with essential questions, and the remaining 5 were outliers in their response. The shortlisted sample size (with almost 50% responses) is adequate for this type of research. Factor analysis with PCA is performed to group the variables and define the dependent variables for this study. The two dependent variables were defined from this. They are described as features of the cars and cost consciousness. Then ANOVA is used to get p-values for the regression scores of the independent demographic variables to understand the impact. The findings of this study show that none of the essential demographic variables of consumers (here gender, education, occupation and age) has shown a significant impact with features and cost consciousness as dependent variables in car purchase decisions. These findings contradict the studies done in the past. It is find from this study, that the consumers are more fashion-conscious and environmentally conscious than cost-conscious. This result may be because of the characteristics of the sample, which shows that there is no significant impact of any of the demographic variables on the car purchase decision based on the feature of the car as well as cost-consciousness factors like resale value, maintenance and fuel. The results of this study may change if the sample contains equal percentages of the consumers for all the demographic factors. The results may vary if the sample has more part-time employees and other types such as students, retired and unemployed.

Financial Literacy and Its Impact on Sustainable Development of India Using Internet Subscribers as Moderator.

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Rawal, Aashi. Rastogi, Shailesh. 

Journal: 2022 International Conference on Sustainable Islamic Business and Finance, SIBF 2022
Publication date: 12 Oct 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


This study examines how financial inclusion affects India’s sustainable development. This analysis uses secondary data from 17 Indian states over three fiscal years, 2018 to 2020. We employ panel data analysis (PDA) to investigate this study’s hypothesis. The outcome demonstrates how financial literacy has a favorable influence on India’s long-Term sustainable growth. These findings indicate that governments and banks must inform the public about their digital platforms and offerings. Given that it promotes financial inclusion, economic progress, and poverty reduction, the government should enhance its digital infrastructure in rural regions so that people there may better comprehend and utilize it. © 2022 IEEE

Financial technology and its influence on India's sustainable development

Authors: Gautam, Rahul Singh. Rastogi, Shailesh. Bhimavarapu, Venkata Mrudula. Rawal, Aashi. 

Journal: IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference, R10-HTC.
Publication date: 16 Sept 2022
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
URL: Access Paper


This research mainly aims to investigate the impact of financial technology on the sustainable development of India. This study uses secondary data for three fiscal years, 2018 to 2020, and this data has been taken from 29 states and two union territories of India. We use panel data analysis (PDA) to examine the hypothesis of this study. The result shows that financial technology positively impacts sustainable development in India. According to these results, government and RBI need to provide knowledge to people about their digital platforms and products. The government should improve its digital infrastructure in rural areas to better understand and use it because it benefits financial inclusion, economic growth, and poverty reduction. © 2022 IEEE